Letters denouncing his disappearance
Two reports of the kidnapping of Yves sent to the French embassy in Buenos Aires and his family in Paris, towards the end of 1976.
Newspaper Clipping
Repercussions of the kidnapping and disappearance of Yves Domergue in the world-wide press.
Tributes and plates
Plates in honor of Yves and other missing people.
Mementos in Página/12 newspaper
Mementos published in the argentine newspaper Página 12, in different years.
"My son is not a criminal"
Testimony of Jean Domergue published in the book “We are all subversive”, written by Carlos Gabetta, 1984.
"The salty tear street"
News article of Guadalupe Treibel to Eric Domergue for the book “1976”, published by TEA (Taller Escuela Agencia) 30 years after the military coup.
Song by his brother, François
Lyrics of "Yves", song written and sung by his brother François in December, 2000.
Testimony of Jean Domergue in a French radio "France Culture" (25.11.79)
Message from Yves to his family recorded in a cassette in 1975
Pictures of Yves' childhood and youth