Reported missing on February 9, 1977 in Las Heras, Mendoza province.
Born on October 14, 1941 in Limoges (France). Mechanic Officer. Married to Nora Campos Liliana Rodriguez, Chilean nationality. He lived in Chile until 1973, when he moved to Mendoza. What happened to him is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on October 24, 1976 in Buenos Aires.
Born on April 9, 1950 in Marrakech (Morocco). Language teacher. Suffers from problems in the spine and a mobility-impaired as a result of a car accident. What happened to him is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on November 1, 1975 in Buenos Aires.
Born on January 30, 1939 in Maipú (Chile). Father of two children, he was detained in Chile after the coup d'état in September 1973 and then repatriated to France with his family. He went to Buenos Aires on October 31, 1975, and was reported missing on the next day, probably because of the DINA, the Chilean intelligence service. What happened to him is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on October 21, 1977 in Espeleta, Buenos Aires province.
Born on October 1, 1946 in Chatillon-sur-Loire (France). During the night of October 21, 1977 a commando of the 1st army corps has burst in her home and murdered her husband, Norberto Martinez. Her two daughters, aged 18 months and 3 years were given back some time after to their grandparents. She was seen in the Quilmes Police Station. What happened to her after is not known. Her remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on September 26, 1976 in Rosario, Santa Fe province.
Born on August 8, 1954 in Paris (France). His family settled in Argentina in July 1959. Yves was a student in civil engineering when he was arrested and detained in the "Batallón 21 de Comunicaciones" military base in Rosario city. His remains were recovered and identified in May 2010.
Reported missing on December 8, 1977 in Santa Cruz, Buenos Aires.
Member of the Sœurs des Missions étrangères, Alice Domon was born on September 23, 1937 in Charquemont (France). After conducting significant social and humanitarian activities in Argentina, she was abducted by a special squad under the command of Alfredo Astiz. Tortured in the Navy’s School of Mechanical (ESMA), she was thrown into the sea from an aircraft. Her remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on December 10, 1977 in Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires province.
Member of the Sœurs des Missions étrangères, Leonie Duquet was born on April 9, 1916 in Longemaison (France). She was abducted by a special squad under the command of Alfredo Astiz and took by force to the Navy’s School of Mechanical (ESMA). Thrown into the sea from an airplane and buried as NN (unknown) in the cemetery of General Lavalle, his mortal remains were identified on August 29, 2005. She is buried in the Church‘s garden of Santa Cruz.
Reported missing on August 10, 1977 in Lanús, Buenos Aires province.
Born on March 13, 1959 in Buenos Aires. Catechist at Villa Itatí and in the San Cayetano’s parish, Bernal West, he was taken by soldiers and would be detained in the detention centre La Cacha. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on October 15, 1976 in San Juan.
Born on March 28, 1952 in Espartillar, Buenos Aires province. She worked as a model, then as social worker, particularly in the parish of Father Carlos Mugica. Legal proceedings were instituted against the former adjutant Jorge Olivera who was arrested in 2000 in Italy, has been the subject of a French extradition request but released. What happened to her is not known. Her remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on July 8, 1975 in San Miguel de Tucumán.
Born on November 14, 1938 in Paris (France). He settled in Argentina in 1952 where he worked as a bookseller and a journalist for the Gaceta de Tucumán. His abduction took place during the presidency of Maria Estela Peron. What happened to him is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on September 26, 1976 in San Martín, Buenos Aires province.
Born on April 29, 1943 in Montevideo (Uruguay). He was abducted with his wife Victoria Grisonas and his children Anatole and Victoria by both soldiers and policemen, with the supposed participation of Uruguayan commandos. His children, who were taken to Uruguay and then abandoned in December 1976 in Valparaiso, Chile, were identified in 1979.
Killed on July 18, 1976 in El Chamical, La Rioja province.
Born on March 18, 1931 in Etables (France). He integrated the Comité épiscopal français pour l’Amérique latine and the Mouvement des prêtres du tiers-monde. On July 17, 1976, some men presenting themselves as federal police came to search him and the father Carlos Murias, to make a "declaration" in La Rioja. Bodies of the two priests were found the next day, with clear signs of torture.
Reported missing on October 30, 1976 in Buenos Aires.
Born on July 21, 1942 in Buenos Aires. Law student, he was kidnapped by federal police at his home in the neighbourhood of Flores. Three days later, his abductors came back with him in his house and took various objects belonging to him. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on October 27, 1976 in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province.
Born on December 17, 1949 in Toulouse (France). While returning from Tandil, where he worked as a physical trainer, men in civilian clothes heavily armed were waiting at his home in Mar del Plata, got him into a Ford Falcon and took him to an unknown destination. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on April 29, 1977 in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires province.
Former priest and builder labourer, he was abducted from his home, and then saw in the clandestine detention centre El Vesubio. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on March 9, 1976 in Cordoba.
Born on August 31, 1950 in La Plata, Buenos Aires province. He studied at the Plata’s university Colegio Nacional before settling as a carpenter in Córdoba where he worked in a rubber union. It is unclear what he has become and he is still considered to be detained-disappeared. He is the brother of Paul and Raphael Tello.
Reported missing on May 31, 1978 in San Fernando, Buenos Aires province.
Born on May 25, 1949 in La Plata, Buenos Aires province. Architecture student, he worked as a labourer in a shipyard at Quantun, San Fernando, where he was abducted together with his brother Raphael. Submitted to an enacted execution, he was taken in the clandestine detention centre El Banco. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.
Reported missing on May 31, 1978 in San Fernando, Buenos Aires province.
Born on April 13, 1952 in La Plata, Buenos Aires province. Social Sciences Human Sciences student, he worked as a labourer in a shipyard at Quantun, San Fernando, where he was abducted together with his brother Paul. Submitted to an enacted execution, he was taken in the clandestine detention centre El Banco. What happened to him after is not known. His remains have still not been discovered.

El mar no logró borrar las pruebas del delito y devolvió a un puñado de cuerpos que son vivo testimonio del horror. Uno de ellos es el de nuestra compatriota Léonie Duquet.

Símbolo entre los símbolos, lo que la marea depositó sobre las costas del Atlántico Sur son los restos de aquellas Madres que buscaban a sus hijos y de quienes las acompañaron en sus rondas. Entre ellos las religiosas francesas Alice Domon y Léonie Duquet.

La identificación de los restos de Léonie Duquet y de las primeras Madres de Plaza de Mayo reaviva el dolor pasado, pero al mismo tiempo mantiene bien encendida la llama de la búsqueda de la verdad. 30 años después, las víctimas siguen gritando por justicia, por juicio y castigo a los responsables, por Nunca Más.

Desde Francia, los familiares de los 18 conciudadanos víctimas de la dictadura militar de 1976 a 1983 rendimos homenaje a esas Mujeres Coraje que han encontrado sepultura en los jardines de la Iglesia Santa Cruz de Buenos Aires y en su nombre a todos los detenidos-desaparecidos de la Argentina.

Hoy y siempre, nombrando a los 18 franceses secuestrados o muertos en la Argentina, estamos recordando a los 30.000.

Marcel Amiel, Robert Boudet, Jean-Yves Claudet Fernández, Françoise Dauthier de Martínez, Yves Domergue, sor Alice Domon, sor Léonie Duquet, Andrés Roberto Duro, Marie-Anne Erize, Maurice Jeger, Mario Julien Cáceres, padre Gabriel Longueville, Pierre Pegneguy, Juan Roger Peña, Jean Marcel Soler, y los hermanos Marcel, Paul y Raphael Tello.

Vaya nuestro agradecimiento a quienes permiten con su trabajo y dedicación –en el marco de la lucha por la justicia y contra la impunidad– que se reconstruyan historias y se posibilite el duelo: organismos de derechos humanos, autoridades, jueces, abogados, la comunidad de la Santa Cruz y en particular al Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense por su inestimable contribución a la reconstrucción de la verdad histórica.

Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Franceses Detenidos y Desaparecidos en Argentina y en Uruguay - APAFDDAU